Hearing Loops are the preferred assistive listening technology for people with hearing loss. At the push of a button, most hearing aids can wirelessly receive the sound from a public venue that has a hearing loop installed via it's internal t-coil or telecoil. - 1 hour, 51 minutes
Ampetronic engineer Richard Burn-Smith details how to properly prepare a surface, work with flat copper tape, layout a low spill phased array hearing loop and use printing warning tape. - 1 hour, 53 minutes
YouTube is a treasure trove of videos on hearing loop/telecoil technology. Here are just a few of them:
Hearing loop advocate Juliette Sterkens, Au.D. demonstrates the difference in the sound in a church with considerable background noise and reverberation as heard via the microphones in hearing aids and then as heard with those mics turned off and the telecoils turned on.
This video explains how you can test a hearing loop using your telecoil equipped hearing aids or cochlear implant to determine whether a hearing loop is working correctly.
Video of a nine-year-old girl with telecoil equipped hearing aids experiencing the new hearing loop on the family's TV for the very first time..
With the new digital and other technologies, connecting a loop to your living room TV is not as simple a task as it once was and some TV sales people don't know a loop from a lanyard so this video will show you some of the steps you'll need to take to get in the loop.